Little Learners……adding a spark of joy to the lives we touch
Dear Parents/ Guardian
As you know the childcare sector is struggling with new regulations, ratios, insurance and spiralling costs. There was a lot of attention paid to the sector before Christmas as it seemed we wouldn’t be able to get insurance . We did, with a 320 percent increase. But insurance is only one of our woes.
The sector simply can no longer survive on the income available and perform at the high level your children deserve. We have fought hard to bring government interest and attention to the problems and have realistic discussions on the future. Nothing has come of this. No meetings, emails, or indeed interest. Its dispiriting and heartbreaking. You, as parents, trust us with your most precious possession and we recognise this. Yet the future of the business is bound up in legislation, health and safety checklists, registrations, reregistration, forms, permissions, more forms , counting, more forms, more checklists, certification, checking the previous checklists and of course did I mention the forms?
The upshot of all this is that costs are soaring and we have nowhere to go except you the parents. We have held off on price increases as we believe government should fund the area. You are the guardians of the future generation, children who deserve every bit of fun, creativity, education, support and admiration that we are capable of giving and yet we are being hampered at every turn. We do not believe that parents should be solely responsible for financing the sector. Its horrible that our children are reduced to a financial spreadsheet and indeed that I am writing about finance when our hearts are in supporting families.
Our team are exceptional, degree educated, talented, committed and caring. They cannot get 52 week contracts, mortgage or loans. The sector is leaking the most dynamic educators to other professions and countries. We need to halt this. Little Learners is committed to their team but they need to see a future too.
We hope you will encourage us in seeking the dignity and recognition our sector deserves. Professional recognition and respect should be afforded to all in the area. After much discussion we have decided to close on 5th February and join the protest. We totally understand that this will cause inconvenience and pressure but we have simply run out of road. Services are on the brink of closure and something has to happen. I cannot believe that we have come to this but I simply cannot allow my lovely team watch their future options narrow and dim.
We would really appreciate your support and if you can join us on the day all the better. We will meet at 10am in ABCD and join the rally in Parnell Square at 11.30am. All our services will be closed that day including ECCE, All day children, afterschool, school drops and playclubs.
Little Learners came to Drumcondra in 2011 and quickly established a firm footing in the area. Our award winning "Stay and Play" After-School Club delivers a unique and innovative programme for our beloved after-schoolers who benefit form a warm, friendly and fun environment.